On my way home from Bangkok I took a little detour to visit Ho Chi Minh City Airport. My plan was to get one and a half day alongside the airport. I choose IBIS Saigon Airport hotel hotel alongside the airport which was a good decision because it only take under 10 minutes walk from the airport to the hotel. Another great thing was the variety on the breakfast buffet and that they have a great menu card when you come home from your photo trip. On top of the hotel there was a swimming poll which is a great place to end the day. It is possible to see the airport from the top of the hotel, but there is several other options which is better choice.
When I arrived I could see a significant change in the weather and air quality. In Saigon several hundred of thousands of motorbikes produce a tremendous amount of smog which I not take into account when I decide to go to Saigon. The results is that the quality of the pictures was not was I expected.
On thing you should know is that the taxi drivers in Ho Chi Minh City almost every time when you go for a ride cheat you. Remember to have a offline Google map with you and stop the driver when he first time go for a detour. It is preventive to show him that you follow him.
Again I have to link to the Spotterguide.net which just have the best guides to where to go to shoot some decent pictures.
Link to the spotterguide: http://kortlink.dk/spotterguide/27gh4
Link til IBIS Saigon Airport Hotel: kortlink.dk/accor/27gh2