
Düsseldorf (DUS) 7. February 2020

februar 7, 2020 - Spottingtrips 2020
Düsseldorf (DUS) 7. February 2020

Just before the world was plagued with Covid 19, I had another bonus trip with SAS. This time the trip went to Dussldorf, where I visited a friend and had some opportunities to photograph some planes. I took a few days off in February as it was the only time I had the opportunity to travel. The weather forecast did not looked well, as fog and poor visibility were promised. The first day was not old before the fog came and it became impossible to take more pictures. Day two started with sun and blue skies and gave some good hours, but the wind and the cold made me need to get in the car and get the heat, the temperatur was no more than 4 degrees. Day three also had a nice blue sky but luckily not so windy. Back in Denmark, I could see that the low humidity does something good for the pictures. This is not the last time I leave early in the year.

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